Image Credit. Artwork by Ronald Butt
The Henlopen Acres Campus
The Homestead, The Paynter & Chambers Studios
Corkran, Tubbs & Ventures Galleries
Event Dates: November 5 & 6, 2022 (10am to 4pm)
Registration Fee: $20.00 (Registration fee is non-refundable).
Application Deadline: Monday, August 29, 2022 (5pm).
Notification of acceptance by: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 (by 5pm).
Booth Fee (if accepted): $250.00
Booth Fee Due Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2022.
Eligibility: Open to Rehoboth Art League Members only. Membership must be current from the time of registration through the duration of the show.
Over the years the Members’ Holiday Fair Fine Craft Show has been a favorite show bringing together select artisans to the Rehoboth Art League every first weekend in November. This year the Members’ Holiday Fair will be held on November 5th and 6th. Last year nearly 2000 people attended this event. It is a significant winter event for the Rehoboth Art League and is well-known for the high quality of its artisans. This event is held in all of the historic buildings on the Rehoboth Art League’s Henlopen Acres campus. Visitors will enjoy a festive atmosphere and the delight of seeing and purchasing beautiful handmade crafts. There is a $5.00 per patron entry fee for this event.
Submission/Jury Process
Each application package must consist of a total of five images: four (4) of the artist's work and one (1) of the anticipated display area. All works must be created within the past two (2) years. To exhibit more than one medium an artist must complete separate applications for each. It is possible to be approved by the jury for one medium and not another. Any one image missing from the required five (5) images will result in disqualification from the Holiday Fair Fine Craft Show.
*NOTE: From time to time, based upon the security settings on your email account and/or security settings set up by your internet carrier, emails from ArtCall may be filtered to you SPAM file. You should receive an email confirmation with each submitted work as well as an email indicating the juror's decision (one for each work). To avoid artists whose notifications may slip through the cracks, an email will be sent to all participating artists from the Rehoboth Art League alerting them that the juror's selections have been sent out. If after that notification you do not receive an email indicating the status for each of your submissions, contact Rose Murray via email at rose@rehobothartleague.org.
Submission Images: Submission images must be less than 4MB each. Upon each submission, you will receive an email confirming your image has been received. You may re-enter the call until the deadline to delete, change, and/or edit your submissions until August 29, 2022 (5pm).
Check out this instructional video to resize larger images using both Mac and Windows operating systems.
Booth Space
This show is located inside four of the Rehoboth Art League’s Henlopen Acres buildings: The Corkran & Tubbs Galleries, the Paynter & Chambers Studios, and the Homestead. Booth spaces are allotted upon confirmation of acceptance. The Rehoboth Art League cannot guarantee requests by artists for a particular location. Only one exhibitor per space is allowed and subletting is not permitted. Booth sizes and shapes vary due to each building’s unique architecture features and subsequently there can be no guarantee of an exact shape or size. Most spaces are 6’ x 6’. Additional consideration will be given to social distancing artists’ booths for this year’s event.
Each accepted artist agrees to submit one work of art for the Rehoboth Art League’s event raffle of a minimum value of fifty dollars ($50.00). The proceeds of this auction support the Rehoboth Art League’s education and exhibitions programming.
Standards and Media
All works must be original and made by the exhibiting artist. No works created by commercial kits will be accepted. Acceptable categories include basketry, ceramics, decorative fiber, wearable fiber, soaps, wax, candles, furniture, glass, jewelry, leather, metal, mixed media, paper, and wood. Other media will be considered for those artists who have historically participated in this show.
The Rehoboth Art League has budgeted for significant advertising, signage, and promotional materials. By agreeing to participate in this show, the artist consents to allow the RAL to incorporate images of their works into educational materials, press releases, and other related publicity.
Artists must supply their own display equipment. The Rehoboth Art League does not provide tables, racks, chairs, or other display materials. Based upon the building’s configuration electrical outlets may be a distance from the booths.
Under no circumstance are artists permitted to use the gallery walls or any RAL furniture for any type of display. Use of nails and other hardware are not permitted on any RAL gallery or studio wall.
Sale and Payments
All participating artists are required to process their sales. The Rehoboth Art League does not provide payment books or wrapping materials.
Setup: Unloading / Loading
The Rehoboth Art League assumes no responsibility for the property of any artisan. Artists may set up the Friday before the event (November 4, 2022), between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. On Saturday November 5, 2022, set up begins at 8:30 a.m. and must be completed by 9:30 a.m.
Do not arrive earlier than 8:30 a.m. - You will not be able to access the property. Breakdown is Sunday, November 6, 2022 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
The Rehoboth Art League is located in the residential community of Henlopen Acres. Town officials strictly enforce the parking rules. Please be considerate of our neighbors. Artists will be given a parking permit and be notified of your parking location prior to the Holiday Fair. Booths are to remain in place until Sunday, November 6 at 4:00 p.m. and must be staffed at all times. Artists must remove all artwork, trash and debris from their site at the end of the event.
Refund Policy
The twenty-dollar ($20.00) application fee is non-refundable. The Rehoboth Art League will issue a booth refund, less a $25.00 administrative fee, for cancellation requests received before the end of business day September 16, 2022. Notification of cancellations must be received in writing (emails are acceptable) and addressed to Rose Murray at The Rehoboth Art League, 12 Dodds Lane, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, or at
No refunds will be issued for cancellation requests after September 16, 2022. There is no inclement weather date for the Rehoboth Art League’s Holiday Fair. The Rehoboth Art League reserves the right to cancel the event in the case of extraordinarily severe weather or other unforeseen catastrophic events. If, by chance, such a situation occurs, the Rehoboth Art League will not issue any booth refunds.
Call Rose Murray at 302-227-8408 ext. 204 or email at